

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Sorry I havent posted anything this past week. Ok, so lets get into last weeks training. I was in a conference all week, but my first run was awesome. The weather was perfectly cool and I kept 8 min/mi pace for 45 minutes. Thursday, the humidity hit and I just used that as a short run. Then my distance run, Saturday, was a great 12 mile run. I was suppose to do 13 but I was in some pain when it came to that last mile.
This week I felt great so far, Monday was a good interval day and today was a great 40 min run 4.75 mi. Tomorrow should be an easy 45 min run and then Saturday will definately be a good 5 mile run.

I received my Vivo Barefoot Ultra yesterday and ran in them today. They were awesome, I will post some pictures of them tonight or tomorrow. :)

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